Liars, liars, liars! MAUREEN CALLAHAN's howl of rage and disgust at Biden's Hunter pardon, his legacy of corruption... and the utterly terrifying bombshells still to come

Liars, liars, liars! MAUREEN CALLAHAN's howl of rage and disgust at Biden's Hunter pardon, his legacy of corruption... and the utterly terrifying bombshells still to come
What little was left of Joe Biden's legacy is in tatters. Having promised the American people repeatedly, and for months, that he wouldn't do it – well, on Sunday night, President Biden announced that he had pardoned his son Hunter, for crimes committed as well as any future charges. Future charges! Well, well, well. Hunter, we know, earned millions sitting on boards he wasn't qualified for, introduced shady businessmen to his father, frequented sex workers, and pled guilty to lying about his active drug addiction when purchasing a firearm, as well as tax evasion — owing the IRS $1.
More >> Full Article on Source: MAG NEWS
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